Setup the FUSE environment

Julia installation

We highly recommend using the Juliaup manager to install Julia

  • Mac & Linux: curl -fsSL | sh
  • Windows: winget install julia -s msstore --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements

Once installed, restart your termninal to pick-up the julia executable.

FUSE installation

FUSE and related packages are registered at the FuseRegistry. For installation start your Julia interpreter by typing julia at the terminal, then:

  1. Add the FuseRegistry and the FUSE package as you would for any other julia package (for a fresh install this can take 20+ mins):

    using Pkg
  2. Now you should be able to import the FUSE package:

    using FUSE
  3. Install the fusebot utility to simplify install/updates later on. Now fusebot should be a command that you can type anywhere from the terminal.

  4. Run the regression tests (optional, this can take 1h+)

    julia ] test FUSE

  5. Exit julia and clone FUSE examples in the current working directory. To see/run those .ipynb files, you'll need to use Jupyter-Lab or VScode.

    git clone

    This is a git repository that you are in control of. Do a git fetch && git reset --hard origin/master to gather the latest updates (NOTE: this will wipe out any changes you have made to those examples!)

Install Jupyter-Lab with Julia support

  1. You will need to install jupyter-lab if that's not already available on your system

  2. Install the IJulia package by running:

    fusebot install_IJulia

    This will setup the single- and multi-thread julia kernels in Jupyter.

    The number of threads of the multi-threaded julia kernels can be set via the JULIA_NUM_THREADS environmental variable.

    This needs to be done every time a new version of Julia is installed.

  3. Start a new Jupyter-lab session (this should open a web-browser page with Jupyter running)

  4. Now you can browse the examples in the FuseExamples folder that you have cloned, and take a tour of the example Jupyter notebooks there.

Updating FUSE

  1. Get notified of new FUSE releases by "watching" the FUSE repo on GitHub

  2. FUSE is updated like any other Julia package:

    julia ] up


Become familiar with how managing Julia packages works.

Updating Julia

  1. Use juliaup update to install the latest version of Julia

  2. Install FUSE to the new version of Julia

    using Pkg
  3. Run fusebot install_IJulia to install the Kernel for the latest version of Julia in Jupyter-Lab