FUSE Introductory Tutorial
Download this tutorial from the FuseExamples repository
NOTE: Julia is a Just In Time (JIT) programming language. The first time something is executed it will take longer because of the compilation process. Subsequent calls the the same code will be blazingly fast.
Import the necessary packages
using Plots # for plotting
using FUSE # this will also import IMAS in the current namespace
Starting from a use-case
FUSE comes with some predefined use-cases, some of which are used for regression testing.
Note that some use cases are for non-nuclear experiments and certain Actors like Blankets or BalanceOfPlant will not perform any actions.
ARC ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:ARC)
CAT ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:CAT)
D3D ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:D3D; scenario=:default)
D3D_Hmode ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:D3D; scenario_sources=true, scenario=:H_mode)
D3D_Lmode ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:D3D; scenario_sources=false, scenario=:L_mode)
DTT ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:DTT)
EXCITE ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:EXCITE)
FPP ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:FPP)
ITER_ods ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:ITER; init_from=:ods)
ITER_scalars ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:ITER; init_from=:scalars)
JET_HDB5 ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:HDB5; case=500, tokamak=:JET)
KDEMO ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:KDEMO)
KDEMO_compact ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:KDEMO_compact)
MANTA ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:MANTA)
SPARC ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:SPARC; init_from=:ods)
Get initial parameters (ini
) and actions (act
) for a given use-case
ini, act = FUSE.case_parameters(:KDEMO);
Modifying ini
ini.equilibrium.B0 = 7.8
ini.equilibrium.R0 = 6.5;
Modifying act
act.ActorCoreTransport.model = :FluxMatcher;
Initialize the data dictionary (dd
) using the 0D parameters.
NOTE: init()
does not return a self-consistent solution, just a plausible starting point to initialize our simulations!
dd = IMAS.dd() # an empty dd
FUSE.init(dd, ini, act);
actors: Equilibrium
actors: TEQUILA
actors: HCD
actors: SimpleEC
actors: SimpleIC
actors: SimpleLH
actors: SimpleNB
actors: SimplePellet
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: CXbuild
actors: PassiveStructures
We can @checkin
and @checkout
variables with an associated tag.
This is handy to save and restore our progress (we'll use this later).
@checkin :init dd ini act
Exploring the data dictionary
- FUSE stores data following the IMAS data schema.
- The root of the data structure is
, which stands for "Data Dictionary". - More details are available in the documentation.
Display part of the equilibrium data in dd
├─ elongation ➡ 1.99926
├─ elongation_lower ➡ Function
├─ elongation_upper ➡ Function
├─ geometric_axis
│ ├─ r ➡ 6.49971 [m]
│ └─ z ➡ -0.00101717 [m]
├─ minor_radius ➡ 2.00728 [m]
├─ outline
│ ├─ r ➡ 239-element Vector{Float64} [m]
│ │ min:4.51 avg:6.27 max:8.49
│ └─ z ➡ 239-element Vector{Float64} [m]
│ min:-4.04 avg:-0.0701 max:3.87
├─ ovality ➡ 0.00308297
├─ squareness ➡ -0.00753311
├─ squareness_lower_inner ➡ Function
├─ squareness_lower_outer ➡ Function
├─ squareness_upper_inner ➡ Function
├─ squareness_upper_outer ➡ Function
├─ strike_point
│ ├─ 1
│ │ ├─ r ➡ 5.50287 [m]
│ │ └─ z ➡ -5.01275 [m]
│ └─ 2
│ ├─ r ➡ 4.22213 [m]
│ └─ z ➡ -4.51762 [m]
├─ tilt ➡ -0.00645963
├─ triangularity ➡ 0.585259
├─ triangularity_lower ➡ Function
├─ triangularity_upper ➡ Function
├─ twist ➡ 0.00262375
└─ x_point
├─ 1
│ ├─ r ➡ 5.11438 [m]
│ └─ z ➡ -4.04412 [m]
└─ 2
├─ r ➡ 4.87066 [m]
└─ z ➡ 4.32838 [m]
this can be done up to a certain depth with print_tree
print_tree(dd.equilibrium.time_slice[2].boundary; maxdepth=1)
├─ elongation ➡ 1.99926
├─ elongation_lower ➡ Function
├─ elongation_upper ➡ Function
├─ geometric_axis
│ ⋮
├─ minor_radius ➡ 2.00728 [m]
├─ outline
│ ⋮
├─ ovality ➡ 0.00308297
├─ squareness ➡ -0.00753311
├─ squareness_lower_inner ➡ Function
├─ squareness_lower_outer ➡ Function
├─ squareness_upper_inner ➡ Function
├─ squareness_upper_outer ➡ Function
├─ strike_point
│ ⋮
├─ tilt ➡ -0.00645963
├─ triangularity ➡ 0.585259
├─ triangularity_lower ➡ Function
├─ triangularity_upper ➡ Function
├─ twist ➡ 0.00262375
└─ x_point
Plotting data from dd
FUSE uses Plots.jl
recipes for visualizing data from dd
This allows different plots to be shown when calling plot()
on different items in the data structure.
Learn more about Plots.jl here
For example plotting the equilibrium...
...or the core profiles
Whant to know what arguments can be passed? use help_plot()
help_plot(dd.equilibrium; core_profiles_overlay=true, psi_levels_in=21, psi_levels_out=5, show_secondary_separatrix=true, coordinate=:psi_norm)
These plots can be composed by calling plot!()
instead of plot()
plot(dd.equilibrium; color=:gray, cx=true)
plot!(dd.pulse_schedule.position_control; color=:red)
Plotting an array...
...is different from plotting a field from the IDS (which plots the quantity against its coordinate and with units)
plot(dd.core_profiles.profiles_1d[1], :pressure_thermal)
Customizing plot attributes:
plot(dd.core_profiles.profiles_1d[1], :pressure_thermal; label="", linewidth=2, color=:red, labelfontsize=25)
Use findall(ids, r"...")
to search for certain fields. In Julia string starting with r
are regular expressions.
findall(dd, r"pressure")
[1] dd.core_profiles.profiles_1d[1].ion[1].pressure_fast_perpendicular [Pa] [101-element Vector{Float64}] (all:0)
[2] dd.core_profiles.profiles_1d[1].ion[1].pressure_fast_parallel [Pa] [101-element Vector{Float64}] (all:0)
[3] dd.core_profiles.profiles_1d[1].ion[2].pressure_fast_perpendicular [Pa] [101-element Vector{Float64}] (all:0)
[4] dd.core_profiles.profiles_1d[1].ion[2].pressure_fast_parallel [Pa] [101-element Vector{Float64}] (all:0)
[5] dd.core_profiles.profiles_1d[1].ion[3].pressure_fast_perpendicular [Pa] [101-element Vector{Float64}] (min:7.84e-16, avg:1.8e+04, max:5.37e+04)
[6] dd.core_profiles.profiles_1d[1].ion[3].pressure_fast_parallel [Pa] [101-element Vector{Float64}] (min:7.84e-16, avg:1.8e+04, max:5.37e+04)
[7] dd.equilibrium.time_slice[2].profiles_1d.pressure [Pa] [129-element Vector{Float64}] (min:0, avg:3.24e+05, max:7.33e+05)
[8] dd.equilibrium.time_slice[2].profiles_1d.dpressure_dpsi [Pa.Wb^-1] [129-element Vector{Float64}] (min:-1.38e+04, avg:-1.15e+04, max:-7.92)
findall(ids, r"...")
can be combined with plot()
to plot multiple fields
plot(findall(dd, r"\.pressure"))
Working with time series
The IMAS data structure supports time-dependent data, and IMAS.jl provides ways to handle time data efficiently.
Each dd
has a global_time
attribute, and actors operate at such time
Here we see that equilibrium has mulitiple time_slices
2-element Vector{Float64}:
Accessing time-dependent arrays of structures, via integer index
eqt = dd.equilibrium.time_slice[2]
At a given time, by passing the time as a floating point number (in seconds)
eqt = dd.equilibrium.time_slice[0.0]
At the global time, leaving the square brackets empty
eqt = dd.equilibrium.time_slice[]
Using the @ddtime
macro to access and modify time-dependent arrays at dd.global_time
2-element Vector{Float64}:
Accessing data at dd.global_time
my_b0 = @ddtime(dd.equilibrium.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0)
Writin data at dd.global_time
@ddtime(dd.equilibrium.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0 = my_b0 + 1)
2-element Vector{Float64}:
Expressions in dd
Some fields in the data dictionary are expressions (ie. Functions). For example dd.core_profiles.profiles_1d[].pressure
is dynamically calculated as the product of thermal densities and temperature with addition of fast ions contributions
print_tree(dd.core_profiles.profiles_1d[1]; maxdepth=1)
├─ conductivity_parallel ➡ Function [ohm^-1.m^-1]
├─ electrons
│ ⋮
├─ grid
│ ⋮
├─ ion
│ ⋮
├─ j_bootstrap ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [A/m^2]
│ min:3.33e+03 avg:1.56e+05 max:2e+05
├─ j_non_inductive ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [A/m^2]
│ min:3.33e+03 avg:8.38e+05 max:4.98e+06
├─ j_ohmic ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [A/m^2]
│ min:535 avg:4.54e+05 max:1.53e+06
├─ j_tor ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [A/m^2]
│ min:3.25e+03 avg:1.31e+06 max:6.65e+06
├─ j_total ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [A/m^2]
│ min:3.87e+03 avg:1.29e+06 max:6.48e+06
├─ pressure ➡ Function [Pa]
├─ pressure_ion_total ➡ Function [Pa]
├─ pressure_parallel ➡ Function [Pa]
├─ pressure_perpendicular ➡ Function [Pa]
├─ pressure_thermal ➡ Function [Pa]
├─ rotation_frequency_tor_sonic ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [s^-1]
│ all:0
├─ t_i_average ➡ Function [eV]
├─ time ➡ 0 [s]
└─ zeff ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64}
accessing a dynamic expression, automatically evaluates it (in the pressure
example, we get an array with data)
101-element Vector{Float64}:
In addition to evaluating expressions by accessing them, expressions in the tree can be evaluated using IMAS.freeze()
print_tree(IMAS.freeze(dd.core_profiles.profiles_1d[1]); maxdepth=1)
├─ conductivity_parallel ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [ohm^-1.m^-1]
│ min:2.88e+06 avg:3.62e+09 max:1.25e+10
├─ electrons
│ ⋮
├─ grid
│ ⋮
├─ ion
│ ⋮
├─ j_bootstrap ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [A/m^2]
│ min:3.33e+03 avg:1.56e+05 max:2e+05
├─ j_non_inductive ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [A/m^2]
│ min:3.33e+03 avg:8.38e+05 max:4.98e+06
├─ j_ohmic ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [A/m^2]
│ min:535 avg:4.54e+05 max:1.53e+06
├─ j_tor ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [A/m^2]
│ min:3.25e+03 avg:1.31e+06 max:6.65e+06
├─ j_total ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [A/m^2]
│ min:3.87e+03 avg:1.29e+06 max:6.48e+06
├─ pressure ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [Pa]
│ min:413 avg:4.09e+05 max:8.85e+05
├─ pressure_ion_total ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [Pa]
│ min:195 avg:1.67e+05 max:3.41e+05
├─ pressure_parallel ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [Pa]
│ min:138 avg:1.36e+05 max:2.95e+05
├─ pressure_perpendicular ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [Pa]
│ min:138 avg:1.36e+05 max:2.95e+05
├─ pressure_thermal ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [Pa]
│ min:413 avg:3.55e+05 max:7.23e+05
├─ rotation_frequency_tor_sonic ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [s^-1]
│ all:0
├─ t_i_average ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64} [eV]
│ min:80 avg:1.32e+04 max:2.5e+04
├─ time ➡ 0 [s]
└─ zeff ➡ 101-element Vector{Float64}
Whole facility design
Here we restore the :init
checkpoint that we had previously stored. Resetting any changes to dd
, ini
, and act
that we did in the meantime.
@checkout :init dd ini act
Actors in FUSE can be executed by passing two arguments to them: dd
and act
. Internally, actors can call other actors, creating workflows. For example, the ActorWholeFacility
can be used to to get a self-consistent stationary whole facility design. The actors:
print statements with their nested output tell us what actors are calling other actors.
FUSE.ActorWholeFacility(dd, act);
actors: WholeFacility
actors: PFdesign
actors: StationaryPlasma
actors: --------------- 1/5
actors: HCD
actors: SimpleEC
actors: SimpleIC
actors: SimpleLH
actors: SimpleNB
actors: SimplePellet
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Pedestal
actors: EPED
actors: CoreTransport
actors: FluxMatcher
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Equilibrium
actors: TEQUILA
actors: --------------- 1/5 @ 456.12%
actors: HCD
actors: SimpleEC
actors: SimpleIC
actors: SimpleLH
actors: SimpleNB
actors: SimplePellet
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Pedestal
actors: EPED
actors: CoreTransport
actors: FluxMatcher
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Equilibrium
actors: TEQUILA
actors: --------------- 2/5 @ 247.35%
actors: HCD
actors: SimpleEC
actors: SimpleIC
actors: SimpleLH
actors: SimpleNB
actors: SimplePellet
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Pedestal
actors: EPED
actors: CoreTransport
actors: FluxMatcher
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Equilibrium
actors: TEQUILA
actors: --------------- 3/5 @ 102.32%
actors: HCD
actors: SimpleEC
actors: SimpleIC
actors: SimpleLH
actors: SimpleNB
actors: SimplePellet
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Pedestal
actors: EPED
actors: CoreTransport
actors: FluxMatcher
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Equilibrium
actors: TEQUILA
actors: --------------- 4/5 @ 80.31%
actors: HFSsizing
actors: FluxSwing
actors: Stresses
actors: LFSsizing
actors: CXbuild
actors: PFdesign
actors: Equilibrium
actors: TEQUILA
actors: CXbuild
actors: Neutronics
actors: Blanket
actors: CXbuild
actors: PassiveStructures
actors: Divertors
actors: PlasmaLimits
actors: VerticalStability
actors: TroyonBetaNN
┌ Warning: act.ActorPlasmaLimits.models = [:vertical_stability, :beta_troyon_nn, :q95_gt_2, :gw_density, :κ_controllability]
│ Some stability rules exceed their limit threshold:
│ 193% of Vertical stability margin > 0.15 for stability
│ 163% of Normalized vertical growth rate < 10 for stability
│ 109% of βn < BetaTroyonNN n=1
│ Some stability rules satisfy their limit threshold:
│ 32% of βn < BetaTroyonNN n=2
│ 33% of βn < BetaTroyonNN n=3
│ 31% of q(rho=0.95) > 2.0
│ 92% of greenwald_fraction < 1.0
│ 82% of elongation < IMAS.elongation_limit
└ @ FUSE ~/work/FUSE.jl/FUSE.jl/src/actors/stability/limits_actor.jl:92
actors: BalanceOfPlant
actors: ThermalPlant
actors: PowerNeeds
actors: Costing
actors: CostingARIES
Let's check what we got at a glance with the FUSE.digest(dd)
──────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────
R0 → 6.5 [m] B0 → 7.8 [T] Te0 → 22.2 [keV]
a → 2.01 [m] ip → 12.7 [MA] Ti0 → 21.5 [keV]
1/ϵ → 3.24 q95 → 6.46 <Te> → 9.2 [keV]
κ → 2 <Bpol> → 0.799 [T] <Ti> → 8.34 [keV]
δ → 0.585 βpol_MHD → 0.945 Te0/<Te> → 2.42
ζ → -0.00753 βtor_MHD → 0.0102 Ti0/<Ti> → 2.58
Volume → 927 [m³] βn_MHD → 1.25
Surface → 760 [m²]
──────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────
ne0 → 1.06e+20 [m⁻³] P0 → 0.839 [MPa] τe → 1.88 [s]
ne_ped → 6.93e+19 [m⁻³] <P> → 0.248 [MPa] τe_exp → 2.5 [s]
ne_line → 9.19e+19 [m⁻³] P0/<P> → 3.38 H98y2 → 0.849
<ne> → 8.28e+19 [m⁻³] βn → 1.23 H98y2_exp → 0.927
ne0/<ne> → 1.28 βn_th → 1.17 Hds03 → 0.597
fGW → 0.918 Hds03_exp → 0.678
zeff_ped → 2 τα_thermalization → 0.805 [s]
<zeff> → 2 τα_slowing_down → 1.1 [s]
impurities → DT Ne20 He4
──────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────
Pec → 50 [MW] Psol → 131 [MW] ip_bs_aux_ohm → 13 [MA]
rho0_ec → 0.5 [MW] PLH → 71.8 [MW] ip_ni → 6.64 [MA]
Pnbi → NaN [MW] Bpol_omp → 1.2 [T] ip_bs → 3.2 [MA]
Enbi1 → NaN [MeV] λq → 0.904 [mm] ip_aux → 3.44 [MA]
Pic → 50 [MW] qpol → 2.71e+03 [MW/m²] ip_ohm → 6.37 [MA]
Plh → NaN [MW] qpar → 1.37e+04 [MW/m²] ejima → 0.4
Paux_tot → 100 [MW] P/R0 → 20.1 [MW/m] flattop → 0.7 [Hours]
Pα → 73.7 [MW] PB/R0 → 157 [MW T/m]
Pohm → 0.0942 [MW] PBp/R0 → 16.1 [MW T/m]
Pheat → 174 [MW] PBϵ/R0q95 → 7.51 [MW T/m]
Prad_tot → -42.9 [MW] neutrons_peak → 0.502 [MW/m²]
──────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────
Pfusion → 368 [MW] PF_material → nb3sn capital_cost → 6.43 [$B]
Qfusion → 3.68 TF_material → nb3sn_kdemo levelized_CoE → Inf [$/kWh]
thermal_cycle_type → rankine OH_material → nb3sn TF_of_total → 15.1 [%]
thermal_efficiency_plant → 22.7 [%] TF_max_b → 15.4 [T] BOP_of_total → 2.08 [%]
thermal_efficiency_cycle → NaN [%] OH_max_b → 19.9 [T] blanket_of_total → 23.6 [%]
power_electric_generated → 21.6 [MW] TF_j_margin → 5.9 cryostat_of_total → 3.07 [%]
Pelectric_net → -123 [MW] OH_j_margin → 1.71
Qplant → 0.149 TF_stress_margin → 3.15
TBR → 0.0662 OH_stress_margin → 1.37
@ time = 0.0 [s]
GKS: could not find font middle.ttf
Like before we can checkpoint results for later use
@checkin :awf dd ini act
Running a custom workflow
Let's now run a series of actors similar to what ActorWholeFacility
does and play around with plotting to get a sense of what each individual actor does.
Let's start again from after the initialization stage
@checkout :init dd ini act
Let's start by positioning the PF coils, so that we stand a chance to reproduce the desired plasma shape. This will be important to ensure the stability of the ActorStationaryPlasma
that we are going to run next.
FUSE.ActorPFdesign(dd, act; do_plot=true); # instead of setting `act.ActorPFdesign.do_plot=true` we can just pass `do_plot=true` as argument without chaning `act`
actors: PFdesign
The ActorStationaryPlasma
iterates between plasma transport, pedestal, equilibrium and sources to return a self-consistent plasma solution
peq = plot(dd.equilibrium; label="before")
pcp = plot(dd.core_profiles; color=:gray, label="before")
FUSE.ActorStationaryPlasma(dd, act);
actors: StationaryPlasma
actors: --------------- 1/5
actors: HCD
actors: SimpleEC
actors: SimpleIC
actors: SimpleLH
actors: SimpleNB
actors: SimplePellet
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Pedestal
actors: EPED
actors: CoreTransport
actors: FluxMatcher
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Equilibrium
actors: TEQUILA
actors: --------------- 1/5 @ 456.12%
actors: HCD
actors: SimpleEC
actors: SimpleIC
actors: SimpleLH
actors: SimpleNB
actors: SimplePellet
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Pedestal
actors: EPED
actors: CoreTransport
actors: FluxMatcher
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Equilibrium
actors: TEQUILA
actors: --------------- 2/5 @ 247.35%
actors: HCD
actors: SimpleEC
actors: SimpleIC
actors: SimpleLH
actors: SimpleNB
actors: SimplePellet
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Pedestal
actors: EPED
actors: CoreTransport
actors: FluxMatcher
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Equilibrium
actors: TEQUILA
actors: --------------- 3/5 @ 102.32%
actors: HCD
actors: SimpleEC
actors: SimpleIC
actors: SimpleLH
actors: SimpleNB
actors: SimplePellet
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Pedestal
actors: EPED
actors: CoreTransport
actors: FluxMatcher
actors: Current
actors: SteadyStateCurrent
actors: Equilibrium
actors: TEQUILA
actors: --------------- 4/5 @ 80.31%
we can compare equilibrium before and after the self-consistency loop
plot!(peq, dd.equilibrium; label="after")
we can compare core_profiles before and after the self-consistency loop
plot!(pcp, dd.core_profiles; label="after")
here are the sources
and the flux-matched transport
HFS sizing actor changes the thickness of the OH and TF layers on the high field side to satisfy current and stresses constraints
FUSE.ActorHFSsizing(dd, act);
plot!(dd.build; cx=false)
The stresses on the center stack are stored in the solid_mechanics
LFS sizing actors change location of the outer TF leg to meet ripple requirements
FUSE.ActorLFSsizing(dd, act);
plot!(dd.build; cx=false)
A custom show()
method is defined to print the summary of dd.build.layer
23×10 DataFrame
Row │ group details type ΔR R_start R_end material area volume shape
│ String String String Float64 Float64 Float64 String Float64 Float64 String
1 │ in 0.185414 0.0 0.185414 steel 19.9166 98.2221
2 │ in oh 1.66873 0.185414 1.85414 nb3sn 6.90907 79.9666
3 │ hfs tf 1.44372 1.85414 3.29786 nb3sn_kdemo 42.7593 886.02 convex hull
4 │ hfs gap tf vacuum vessel 0.0 3.29786 3.29786 vacuum 7.40954 486.553 double ellipse
5 │ hfs vacuum outer vessel 0.098297 3.29786 3.39616 steel 3.04733 123.995 negative offset
6 │ hfs gap water 0.147445 3.39616 3.54361 water 4.45714 181.478 negative offset
7 │ hfs vacuum inner vessel 0.098297 3.54361 3.6419 steel 2.89552 117.976 negative offset
8 │ hfs gap high temp shield vacuum vess… 0.0098297 3.6419 3.65173 vacuum 0.286212 11.6651 negative offset
9 │ hfs high temp shield 0.196594 3.65173 3.84833 steel 5.5967 228.246 negative offset
10 │ hfs blanket 0.373528 3.84833 4.22185 lithium_lead 20.5289 935.506 negative offset
11 │ hfs first wall 0.0196594 4.22185 4.24151 tungsten 0.978743 32.4571 offset
12 │ lhfs plasma 4.51639 4.24151 8.7579 plasma 32.0006 1247.4
13 │ lfs first wall 0.0196594 8.7579 8.77756 tungsten 0.978736 32.4574 offset
14 │ lfs blanket 1.17956 8.77756 9.95713 lithium_lead 20.5289 935.505 negative offset
15 │ lfs high temp shield 0.196594 9.95713 10.1537 steel 5.5967 228.246 negative offset
16 │ lfs gap high temp shield vacuum vess… 0.0441988 10.1537 10.1979 vacuum 0.286212 11.6651 negative offset
17 │ lfs vacuum inner vessel 0.098297 10.1979 10.2962 steel 2.89552 117.976 negative offset
18 │ lfs gap water 0.147445 10.2962 10.4437 water 4.45714 181.478 negative offset
19 │ lfs vacuum outer vessel 0.098297 10.4437 10.542 steel 3.04733 123.995 negative offset
20 │ lfs gap tf vacuum vessel 0.775563 10.542 11.3175 vacuum 7.40954 486.553 double ellipse
21 │ lfs tf 1.44372 11.3175 12.7612 nb3sn_kdemo 42.7593 886.02 convex hull
22 │ out 1.96594 0.0 14.7272 vacuum 163.122 8312.78
23 │ out cryostat 0.098297 0.0 14.8255 steel 4.8503 308.042 silo
ActorHFSsizing and ActorLFSsizing only change the layer's thicknesses, so we then need to trigger a build of the 2D cross-sections after them:
FUSE.ActorCXbuild(dd, act);
Generate passive structures information (for now the vacuum vessel)
FUSE.ActorPassiveStructures(dd, act)
We can now give the PF coils their final position given the new build
actor = FUSE.ActorPFdesign(dd, act);
plot(actor) # some actors define their own plot
With information about both pfactive and pfpassive we can now evaluate vertical stability
FUSE.ActorVerticalStability(dd, act)
├─ time ➡ [0] [s]
└─ time_slice
└─ 1
├─ time ➡ 0 [s]
└─ toroidal_mode
├─ 1
│ ├─ n_tor ➡ 0
│ ├─ perturbation_type
│ │ ├─ description ➡ "Vertical stability margin > 0.15 for stability"
│ │ └─ name ➡ "m_s"
│ └─ stability_metric ➡ 0.081577
└─ 2
├─ n_tor ➡ 0
├─ perturbation_type
│ ├─ description ➡ "Normalized vertical growth rate < 10 for stability"
│ └─ name ➡ "γτ"
└─ stability_metric ➡ 15.4671
The ActorNeutronics
calculates the heat flux on the first wall
FUSE.ActorNeutronics(dd, act);
p = plot(; layout=2, size=(900, 350))
plot!(p, dd.neutronics.time_slice[].wall_loading, subplot=1)
plot!(p, FUSE.define_neutrons(dd, 100000)[1], dd.equilibrium.time_slice[]; subplot=1, colorbar_entry=false)
plot!(p, dd.neutronics.time_slice[].wall_loading; cx=false, subplot=2, ylabel="")
The ActorBlanket
will change the thickess of the first wall, breeder, shield, and Li6 enrichment to achieve target TBR
FUSE.ActorBlanket(dd, act);
print_tree(IMAS.freeze(dd.blanket); maxdepth=5)
actors: Blanket
├─ module
│ └─ 1
│ ├─ layer
│ │ ├─ 1
│ │ │ ├─ material ➡ "tungsten"
│ │ │ ├─ midplane_thickness ➡ 0.0199664 [m]
│ │ │ └─ name ➡ "lfs first wall"
│ │ ├─ 2
│ │ │ ├─ material ➡ "lithium-lead: Li6/7=90.000%"
│ │ │ ├─ midplane_thickness ➡ 1.35585 [m]
│ │ │ └─ name ➡ "lfs blanket"
│ │ └─ 3
│ │ ├─ material ➡ "steel"
│ │ ├─ midplane_thickness ➡ 0.0200027 [m]
│ │ └─ name ➡ "lfs high temp shield"
│ ├─ name ➡ "blanket"
│ └─ time_slice
│ └─ 1
│ ├─ peak_escape_flux ➡ 215662 [W/m^2]
│ ├─ peak_wall_flux ➡ 1.22796e+06 [W/m^2]
│ ├─ power_incident_neutrons ➡ 1.25268e+07 [W]
│ ├─ power_incident_radiated ➡ 0 [W]
│ ├─ power_thermal_extracted ➡ 1.50321e+07 [W]
│ ├─ power_thermal_neutrons ➡ 1.50321e+07 [W]
│ ├─ power_thermal_radiated ➡ 0 [W]
│ ├─ time ➡ 0 [s]
│ └─ tritium_breeding_ratio ➡ 1.54136
├─ time ➡ [0] [s]
└─ tritium_breeding_ratio ➡ [0.0655252]
The ActorDivertors
actor calculates the divertors heat flux
FUSE.ActorDivertors(dd, act);
print_tree(IMAS.freeze(dd.divertors); maxdepth=4)
actors: Divertors
├─ divertor
│ └─ 1
│ ├─ power_conducted
│ │ ├─ data ➡ [1.30866e+08] [W]
│ │ └─ time ➡ [0] [s]
│ ├─ power_convected
│ │ ├─ data ➡ [0] [W]
│ │ └─ time ➡ [0] [s]
│ ├─ power_incident
│ │ ├─ data ➡ [3.21524e+07] [W]
│ │ └─ time ➡ [0] [s]
│ ├─ power_thermal_extracted
│ │ ├─ data ➡ [3.21524e+07] [W]
│ │ └─ time ➡ [0] [s]
│ └─ target
│ ├─ 1
│ │ ⋮
│ │
│ └─ 2
│ ⋮
└─ time ➡ [0] [s]
The ActorBalanceOfPlant
calculates the optimal cooling flow rates for the heat sources (breeder, divertor, and wall) and get an efficiency for the electricity conversion cycle
FUSE.ActorBalanceOfPlant(dd, act);
├─ power_electric_plant_operation
│ ├─ system
│ │ ├─ 1
│ │ │ ├─ index ➡ 1
│ │ │ ├─ name ➡ "HCD"
│ │ │ ├─ power ➡ [1e+08] [W]
│ │ │ └─ subsystem
│ │ │ ├─ 1
│ │ │ │ ├─ index ➡ 1
│ │ │ │ ├─ name ➡ "nbi"
│ │ │ │ └─ power ➡ [0] [W]
│ │ │ ├─ 2
│ │ │ │ ├─ index ➡ 2
│ │ │ │ ├─ name ➡ "ec_launchers"
│ │ │ │ └─ power ➡ [5e+07] [W]
│ │ │ ├─ 3
│ │ │ │ ├─ index ➡ 3
│ │ │ │ ├─ name ➡ "ic_antennas"
│ │ │ │ └─ power ➡ [5e+07] [W]
│ │ │ └─ 4
│ │ │ ├─ index ➡ 4
│ │ │ ├─ name ➡ "lh_antennas"
│ │ │ └─ power ➡ [0] [W]
│ │ ├─ 2
│ │ │ ├─ index ➡ 3
│ │ │ ├─ name ➡ "cryostat"
│ │ │ └─ power ➡ [3e+07] [W]
│ │ ├─ 3
│ │ │ ├─ index ➡ 4
│ │ │ ├─ name ➡ "tritium_handling"
│ │ │ └─ power ➡ [1.5e+07] [W]
│ │ └─ 4
│ │ ├─ index ➡ 6
│ │ ├─ name ➡ "pf_active"
│ │ └─ power ➡ [0] [W]
│ └─ total_power ➡ [1.45e+08] [W]
├─ power_plant
│ ├─ heat_load
│ │ ├─ breeder ➡ [1.50321e+07] [W]
│ │ ├─ divertor ➡ [3.21524e+07] [W]
│ │ └─ wall ➡ [4.28941e+07] [W]
│ ├─ power_cycle_type ➡ "rankine"
│ ├─ power_electric_generated ➡ [2.04501e+07] [W]
│ └─ total_heat_supplied ➡ [9.00786e+07] [W]
├─ thermal_efficiency_plant ➡ [0.227025]
└─ time ➡ [0] [s]
will break down the capital and operational costs
FUSE.ActorCosting(dd, act)
Let's checkpoint our results
@checkin :manual dd ini act
Saving and loading data
tutorial_temp_dir = tempdir()
filename = joinpath(tutorial_temp_dir, "$(ini.general.casename).json")
When saving data to be shared outside of FUSE, one can set freeze=true
so that all expressions in the dd are evaluated and saved to file.
IMAS.imas2json(dd, filename; freeze=false, strict=false);
Load from JSON
dd1 = IMAS.json2imas(filename);
Comparing two IDSs
We can introduce a change in the dd1
and spot it with the diff
dd1.equilibrium.time_slice[1].time = -100.0
IMAS.diff(dd.equilibrium, dd1.equilibrium)
Dict{String, String} with 1 entry:
"time_slice[1].time" => "value: -Inf -- -100.0"
Snapshot of dd
in 0D quantities (evaluated at dd.global_time
──────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────
R0 → 6.5 [m] B0 → 7.8 [T] Te0 → 22.2 [keV]
a → 2.01 [m] ip → 12.7 [MA] Ti0 → 21.5 [keV]
1/ϵ → 3.24 q95 → 6.64 <Te> → 9.2 [keV]
κ → 2 <Bpol> → 0.798 [T] <Ti> → 8.34 [keV]
δ → 0.585 βpol_MHD → 0.95 Te0/<Te> → 2.42
ζ → -0.00753 βtor_MHD → 0.0102 Ti0/<Ti> → 2.58
Volume → 929 [m³] βn_MHD → 1.25
Surface → 761 [m²]
──────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────
ne0 → 1.06e+20 [m⁻³] P0 → 0.839 [MPa] τe → 1.88 [s]
ne_ped → 6.93e+19 [m⁻³] <P> → 0.248 [MPa] τe_exp → 2.5 [s]
ne_line → 9.19e+19 [m⁻³] P0/<P> → 3.38 H98y2 → 0.85
<ne> → 8.28e+19 [m⁻³] βn → 1.23 H98y2_exp → 0.928
ne0/<ne> → 1.28 βn_th → 1.17 Hds03 → 0.597
fGW → 0.918 Hds03_exp → 0.679
zeff_ped → 2 τα_thermalization → 0.805 [s]
<zeff> → 2 τα_slowing_down → 1.1 [s]
impurities → DT Ne20 He4
──────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────
Pec → 50 [MW] Psol → 131 [MW] ip_bs_aux_ohm → 13 [MA]
rho0_ec → 0.5 [MW] PLH → 71.9 [MW] ip_ni → 6.64 [MA]
Pnbi → NaN [MW] Bpol_omp → 1.18 [T] ip_bs → 3.2 [MA]
Enbi1 → NaN [MeV] λq → 0.922 [mm] ip_aux → 3.44 [MA]
Pic → 50 [MW] qpol → 2.66e+03 [MW/m²] ip_ohm → 6.36 [MA]
Plh → NaN [MW] qpar → 1.37e+04 [MW/m²] ejima → 0.4
Paux_tot → 100 [MW] P/R0 → 20.1 [MW/m] flattop → 0.7 [Hours]
Pα → 73.7 [MW] PB/R0 → 157 [MW T/m]
Pohm → 0.0939 [MW] PBp/R0 → 16.1 [MW T/m]
Pheat → 174 [MW] PBϵ/R0q95 → 7.31 [MW T/m]
Prad_tot → -42.9 [MW] neutrons_peak → 0.501 [MW/m²]
──────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────
Pfusion → 368 [MW] PF_material → nb3sn capital_cost → 6.33 [$B]
Qfusion → 3.68 TF_material → nb3sn_kdemo levelized_CoE → Inf [$/kWh]
thermal_cycle_type → rankine OH_material → nb3sn TF_of_total → 15.5 [%]
thermal_efficiency_plant → 22.7 [%] TF_max_b → 15.4 [T] BOP_of_total → 2.04 [%]
thermal_efficiency_cycle → NaN [%] OH_max_b → 19.9 [T] blanket_of_total → 20.3 [%]
power_electric_generated → 20.5 [MW] TF_j_margin → 5.9 cryostat_of_total → 3.13 [%]
Pelectric_net → -125 [MW] OH_j_margin → 1.71
Qplant → 0.141 TF_stress_margin → 3.15
TBR → 0.0655 OH_stress_margin → 1.37
Extract + plots saved to PDF (printed to screen it filename
is omitted)
filename = joinpath(tutorial_temp_dir, "$(ini.general.casename).pdf")
FUSE.digest(dd)#, filename)
──────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────
R0 → 6.5 [m] B0 → 7.8 [T] Te0 → 22.2 [keV]
a → 2.01 [m] ip → 12.7 [MA] Ti0 → 21.5 [keV]
1/ϵ → 3.24 q95 → 6.64 <Te> → 9.2 [keV]
κ → 2 <Bpol> → 0.798 [T] <Ti> → 8.34 [keV]
δ → 0.585 βpol_MHD → 0.95 Te0/<Te> → 2.42
ζ → -0.00753 βtor_MHD → 0.0102 Ti0/<Ti> → 2.58
Volume → 929 [m³] βn_MHD → 1.25
Surface → 761 [m²]
──────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────
ne0 → 1.06e+20 [m⁻³] P0 → 0.839 [MPa] τe → 1.88 [s]
ne_ped → 6.93e+19 [m⁻³] <P> → 0.248 [MPa] τe_exp → 2.5 [s]
ne_line → 9.19e+19 [m⁻³] P0/<P> → 3.38 H98y2 → 0.85
<ne> → 8.28e+19 [m⁻³] βn → 1.23 H98y2_exp → 0.928
ne0/<ne> → 1.28 βn_th → 1.17 Hds03 → 0.597
fGW → 0.918 Hds03_exp → 0.679
zeff_ped → 2 τα_thermalization → 0.805 [s]
<zeff> → 2 τα_slowing_down → 1.1 [s]
impurities → DT Ne20 He4
──────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────
Pec → 50 [MW] Psol → 131 [MW] ip_bs_aux_ohm → 13 [MA]
rho0_ec → 0.5 [MW] PLH → 71.9 [MW] ip_ni → 6.64 [MA]
Pnbi → NaN [MW] Bpol_omp → 1.18 [T] ip_bs → 3.2 [MA]
Enbi1 → NaN [MeV] λq → 0.922 [mm] ip_aux → 3.44 [MA]
Pic → 50 [MW] qpol → 2.66e+03 [MW/m²] ip_ohm → 6.36 [MA]
Plh → NaN [MW] qpar → 1.37e+04 [MW/m²] ejima → 0.4
Paux_tot → 100 [MW] P/R0 → 20.1 [MW/m] flattop → 0.7 [Hours]
Pα → 73.7 [MW] PB/R0 → 157 [MW T/m]
Pohm → 0.0939 [MW] PBp/R0 → 16.1 [MW T/m]
Pheat → 174 [MW] PBϵ/R0q95 → 7.31 [MW T/m]
Prad_tot → -42.9 [MW] neutrons_peak → 0.501 [MW/m²]
──────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────
Pfusion → 368 [MW] PF_material → nb3sn capital_cost → 6.33 [$B]
Qfusion → 3.68 TF_material → nb3sn_kdemo levelized_CoE → Inf [$/kWh]
thermal_cycle_type → rankine OH_material → nb3sn TF_of_total → 15.5 [%]
thermal_efficiency_plant → 22.7 [%] TF_max_b → 15.4 [T] BOP_of_total → 2.04 [%]
thermal_efficiency_cycle → NaN [%] OH_max_b → 19.9 [T] blanket_of_total → 20.3 [%]
power_electric_generated → 20.5 [MW] TF_j_margin → 5.9 cryostat_of_total → 3.13 [%]
Pelectric_net → -125 [MW] OH_j_margin → 1.71
Qplant → 0.141 TF_stress_margin → 3.15
TBR → 0.0655 OH_stress_margin → 1.37
@ time = 0.0 [s]
More things
disable or enable printing of what actor is executed
FUSE.actor_logging(dd, false) # or true